CNB St. Louis Bank is collecting school supplies for local school children in need. Each of our six local area locations are collection sites for Guardian Angel Settlement Association’s annual Back to School Supply Drive. We are thrilled about the opportunity to give back to our communities as students return to in-person learning after such a difficult year. The supplies will be provided directly to low-income students in grades K-12. Many of these students are on free or reduced lunch and may not be able to afford the items on the lengthy school supply list.
We chose Guardian Angel because they have been helping individuals and families in communities across St. Louis City for over 150 years. They are also a proud member of United Way, an international network of over 1,800 local nonprofit fundraising affiliates. Our Community Development Assistant and HOPE Loan Officer Assistant, Veronica Morrow-Reel, has been volunteering her time there for several years, teaching financial literacy classes. “I have really enjoyed working with Guardian Angel over the years. I love what they are doing to promote education and help families in need,” commented Veronica. Additionally, CNB has a long-time connection to the organization through the resale shop they operate called The Angel Boutique Resale Shop. All proceeds from the shop are directed back toward the organization.
We invite you to consider donating to this great organization! CNB has set up collection boxes at each of our branches and we will be accepting donations through Friday, August 4th. You can also shop online using their Amazon Wish List or contribute a monetary donation on their website using PayPal or Debit/Credit card. Click here to donate.