Your Credit Score. Anytime. Anywhere.
Benefits of Credit Score:
- Daily Access to your Credit Score
- Real-Time Credit Monitoring Alerts
- Credit Score Simulator
- Personalized Credit Score
- Special Credit Offers
- And More!
How to Get Started:
- Log in to CNB St. Louis Bank digital banking platform.
- Complete the credit score enrollment process.
- Monitor your credit score anytime. anywhere. For Free!
SavvyMoney FAQs
- Credit Score & Report
- Credit Monitoring
- Credit Alerts
- Credit Goals
- Score Simulator
- Financial Checkup
- Personalized Tips
- Loan Offers
- Educational Articles
There are three major credit reporting bureaus (Equifax, Experian and Transunion) and two scoring models (FICO or VantageScore) that determine credit scores. Financial institutions use different bureaus, as well as their own scoring models. Over 200 factors of a credit report may be considered when calculating a score and each model may weigh credit factors differently, so no scoring model is completely identical but should directionally be similar. You’ll see that SavvyMoney Credit Scores are represented along a credit score range, which helps users get an easier understanding of where they stand. The ranges fall along the following lines:
- 780–850 – This score range is considered “Excellent”. Users in this range have very healthy credit history, and are usually eligible for lowest rates on loans and most generous offers on credit cards.
- 660-779 – This score range is considered “Good”. These users typically have good credit but it may have a few blips or may be short. These users may not get the lowest rates on all types of loans.
- 600-659 – This score range is considered “Fair”. Users in this range do not get the lowest rates on loans and opportunities to borrow start becoming limited.
- 500-599 – This score range is considered to be “Unfavorable”. Users in this range are new to credit or have had significant defaults. Users in this range get loans at rates that are amongst the highest in the market.
- Below 500 – This range is considered to be “Deficient”. Users in this range are new to credit or have had significant defaults. Users in this range may find it hard to find credit.
Accessing your credit score with SavvyMoney is simple and integrated right into our digital banking platform. Here's How:
On a desktop computer:
- Log in to your CNB St. Louis Bank digital banking platform(Opens in a new Window).
- Locate the "Services" tab on the left-hand menu bar.
- Click "Credit Score" and it will take you to the enrollment page or straight to your credit score if you have already enrolled.
- Log in to your CNB St. Louis Bank mobile banking app.(Opens in a new Window)
- Location the "Menu" tab at the bottom of your mobile app home page.
- Locate the "Services" tab on the left-hand menu bar.
- Click "Credit Score" and it will take you to the enrollment page or straight to your credit score if you have already enrolled.